Road Hazards

Saturday ~ April 23

John 12:1-11, John 15:18-16:4

Road Hazards
As long as we are walking on this road to God‟s Kingdom we will be walking through a world that is hostile to Jesus and His Father. The road that Jesus walks cuts through the landscape of pride, the hillsides of arrogance and the plains of self-sufficiency. There will be ambushes along the way. People will try to discredit you, shame you and cast you in the light of a fool, but we know the truth – a truth that has set us free.

I do not imagine Lazarus was afraid of the Chief Priest and their plans to kill him – he had already been dead once and Jesus had restored his life. Lazarus was now completely free to proclaim the works of Jesus, for what can any man do to him that has not already been done?

Remember Jesus told us these days will come and we should not be surprised when they do. We must always remember the old hymn…”this world is not my home, I am just a pass‟n through; my treasure is laid up somewhere beyond the blue”. There is a kingdom prepared for us, Jesus told His disciples He would go there to make things ready for our arrival. Even though some days are dark and others may be hostile, our hope rests not in this place any more but in the place where our Lord will be so we travel this road of life and holiness with the hope that comes in the morning.

Help me remember this road of Christ will lead through hostile lands some days. You tell us to “pray for our enemies and those who persecute us” and so I ask that you will make yourself known to them and that each of them might experience the depth of your love. Though my enemies may seek my destruction, my hope remains in your everlasting goodness. When people speak harshly against me, may my words return your grace. Help me remember that Jesus, my lord, died at the hands of His enemies, and I can experience your strength to extend your love as well. Thank you for never leaving me. Amen

John 17:22-23
I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

“ask where the good way is,
and walk in it,”
Jer 6:16


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