One of the most important thing a church can do...

Last Sunday, I had the privilege to check out one of the most important things our church does. I visited the children's ministry areas of our church and I have to say, I was so excited about what I saw happening!  The nursery was a wonderfully loving place where our babies and toddlers were be cared for.  I think it was a beautiful example of how Jesus was caring for the young ones with joy and compassion, molding little hearts for a joyful encounter with God.  If our babies can develop a foundation that a good God loves them deeply, we have started them on a wonderful path of discovery.  Diana, Nancy and Naomi were a great team last Sunday as they cared for our babies.
In the young children's church class, Clint was doing an outstanding job of helping our teach the little boys about Jesus.  He was masterful at keeping their attention and they were learning about how Jesus served others and in the process He was living out what he was teaching, by serving the Lord as he taught his class.
In the older kids class, I have to say, that was a fun experience.  Maureen was stellar as she used a really fun lesson to teach her four students about how to live their faith.  What an exciting opportunity to impact and shape the lives of people at a young age, knowing your laying not only a foundation but planting truth and building ways of dealing with life's challenges that will bear fruit for many years to come. 

Luis Bush who 'coined' the phrase 10/40 window, a concept that fueled the passion of missions efforts for the last couple of decades, has identified an even more strategic target for reaching our world with the message of the gospel and it is what he has called the 4/14 window.  The 4/14 window describes a demographic 'season' of life comprising the years between 4 and 14.  Based on research by Bryant Myers that shows that 85% of those who become Christians do so between 4 and 14.  In human development, there is no more critical period than the decade encompassed by the 4/14 window.  It is a profoundly formative period when perspectives are shaped either positively or negatively and when a view of one's own significance (or lack of) is formulated. 

Those who are involved in the children's ministry at The Bridge are having an exponential impact on shaping the future generations of our world.  They are literally  planting gospel seeds that will bear fruit not only in the lives of our children but the countless thousands of lives that will be touched by our children in the years to come. 

to Diana, Jen, Karen, Della, Sylvia, Ben, Andrea, Jessie, Sabina, Nancy, Naomi, Clint, Myra, Kat, Maureen, and others who have helped in our Kids ministry, THANK YOU.  Your service to our church and our Lord is NOT in vain.  I know you miss worship, but you gain a greater experience by serving these children and investing in their lives.  Each week you serve, and some of you I know have served MANY weeks for MANY years, you have demonstrated your faith in your actions, which is pleasing to our Lord.

Ps 8:2  You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength,
silencing your enemies and all who oppose you. (NLT)

Our children are our greatest and most valuable parts of our church, and it was a great joy to see them well cared for.  I believe each of you can hear our Lord say to you ... "well done, good and faithful servant..."  (Matt 25:23)


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